Dominion BJJ thanks all of our members, we wouldn’t be where we are today without you! Everyone has helped so much in preparation for the expansion and we wouldn’t be able to do it without your help. It is a true testament to how awesome our school is that our members are so willing to give their time to help out to make it a better place for everyone. We are so thankful to have such an amazing family here at Dominion BJJ.
Quick update on the construction: the wall is down! We have a tarp up separating the two spaces for tonight, it will come down tomorrow. We have a slightly smaller mat space than usual tonight, but we will manage just fine. Drywall work should be finished tomorrow, so I would like to invite anyone and everyone who would like to join us on Saturday after Open Mat is finished to do some painting and cleanup work. The plan is to have our occupancy inspection Monday or Tuesday, so by this time next week we will hopefully be upgrading from 1200 square feet to about 3,000 square feet of mat space!
We hopefully will be able to use the mat space Monday night, and can’t wait to get the finished product ready for you guys.
Thanks again everyone!

The wall is down! Last class before we can officially move into our new home.
For pictures of the finished space view our gallery, or check us out on Facebook.